Tag "mind body connection"
Do You Keep Waking Up At 3:33am Or Seeing 11:11 Everywhere?
I want to tell everyone who is seeing these numbers, not to worry. It is just a sign from the universe and you should be taking it as a good thing. All of the work that you are doing on yourself, and on your spirit is finally paying off in the form of this signal.
Shikha Dhawan INSPIRATIONThe Power Within Yoga
A Dance Between Body and Soul to Discover the Duality of the Self. I spent my entire life dwelling within my self. The more I tried to be strong, the
Eleonora Zampatti COMMUNITY, INSPIRATION6 Tips For Surviving the Emotional Dark Age
Body, mind and soul, this triad has long been considered the pillars of a complete life. But what if we got it wrong? When we think of soul, most of