Tag "be yourself"
When Life Throws You Lemons: Learning How to Deal With the Unexpected
Life can give you great things, and then sometimes out of the blue something bad can happen. Life is just like that…
Kacey Mya Bradley INSPIRATIONThe Particles Within Self
If you currently feel you have no clue who you are, what you are supposed to do with your life or why you are here on this spinning rock called Earth…….you are not alone!
Shawna Schenk COMMUNITY, INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE, SPONSORED, YOGA4 Reasons To Stop Caring What Others Think
Life is too short to care what others think. Here are 4 reasons to help motivate you to ALWAYS be yourself!
Jenn Bodnar INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLEHow to Stop Being a Puppet (Pleaser) and Start Living the Life Your Heart Desires?
In a world full of followers, be a leader. You are the Stage Manager of your own life, so why be a puppet to someone else’s story? Now is the time to truly be you!
DeAnna Shires INSPIRATION, Latest Articles, LIFESTYLE, SPONSORED4 Reasons To Love Your Haters
Whether you’re trying to lose weight, change the world or change lanes on the highway, people are always willing to share their opinions. Here are some tips to help you see criticism as a gift and learn how to love your haters.
Jenn Bodnar INSPIRATION, Latest Articles, LIFESTYLE