Crow Pose Bakasana
Crow pose, or bakasana, is an arm balance that’s both empowering and challenging at the same time. The name comes from the posture of a cawing crow. The two names for the asana come from the Sanskrit words baka ( “crane “) or kak ( “crow “), and asana meaning “posture ” or “seat. ” It’s relatively easy to achieve, though it may look advanced at first sight. You will likely see crow pose performed in an all-levels yoga class and perhaps be surprised at your ability to do it with a little practice.
Crow pose strengthens the wrist, forearms and abdomen; improves balance and focus. Plus, it’s super fun to try and a great party trick!
- Start with feet about hip width apart and bend the knees deep into a low yoga squat.
- Place the hands on the mat about shoulder width apart.
- Place the knees on to the back of the upper arms and shift the weight slightly forward.
- Keep your head lifted and take one foot off of the floor at a time until you are balancing with both feet up!
Have some fun with this! If you are experienced with it, try some variations like lifting one leg up, or taking a jump back to Chataruanga, a low push up position. Some practitioners like to take a jump from Downward Facing Dog into Crow pose, or flow from crow to headstand and back!
Photo – shutterstock.com