Posts From Rachel Land

The Strength to Surrender: Compassionate Backbends

Life has a compressive quality. We are all subject to the downward pull of gravity, and at this busy time of year often find ourselves carrying the weight of stress

Spring Clean Your Body & Mind

Warmer, lighter spring mornings make it easier to rise early, starting each day by sitting quietly in observation, without judgment. With this clarity, we are best able to make the choices that support our body’s natural purification processes.

10 Ways Yoga Straps Can Deepen Your Practice

Props are for students who can’t do the “full pose”, right? Wrong! Rather than being training wheels for beginners to rely on, yoga props can deepen our practice in unexpected ways.

5 Savasana Myths Busted

Ah Savasana: a nourishing balm of stillness and quiet. Your absolute favorite pose; the highlight of every yoga class. Except … when it isn’t.   We’ve probably all seen people

Breaking Boundaries to Teach Online

Times have changed, and teaching yoga has changed too. Not that long ago, we connected with our students in person and online yoga was something that other people did. Not

4 Ways A Varied Yoga Practice Supports Healthy Fascia

Many of us, myself included, practice yoga asana with the aim of improving or maintaining  well-rounded good health. One of the key physical impacts of yoga practice is on our

Unexpected Ways Yoga Prevents Injury

Thanks to the growing popularity of yoga asana practice, we hear more and more about yoga injuries. As with any physical activity, there are risks involved, but what sometimes gets

3 Ancient Yoga Practices to Motivate You Today

Motivation has been around for centuries. See how these ancient yoga concepts can help keep you on track today and everyday!

Avoiding Avidya: 10 Yoga Myths Busted

Mark Twain said “Never let the truth get in the way of a good story “, and this seems to be as true in yoga as it is elsewhere. Certain