Posts From Wai Lana

Asana Practice from Inside Out

It’s not only safer to practice like this, but you’ll begin to experience another dimension of asana practice.

Yoga Wisdom Unlocks the Secret to Real Happiness

The secret to achieving lasting, deeply satisfying happiness is a mystery that’s baffled people since the beginning of time. But the key to real happiness can be found in the ancient science of yoga.

Yoga Poses to Head off PMS

Work through PMS the natural way with these tips!

Yoga Secrets for Real Lasting Beauty

When it comes to cultivating lasting beauty, yoga has some amazingly simple secrets that help us look and feel our best…

Humility in Practice

In the end, it is humility that leads to inner peace and happiness, not pride, and it is also one of the many qualities that an asana practice can help us to cultivate…