Tag "diabetes"
Goji Berries: Put the Super In Super Food
If there is one berry that you should be eating (though all berries should be a part of your diet!) it’s the goji berry. Both a berry and an herb,
Jenny Travens HEALTHThe Ayurvedic Approach to Diabetes
Diabetes is one of the fastest growing diseases in our society. While there is no cure, there are ayurvedic remedies to help control diabetes.
Meenakshi Gupta AYURVEDA, HEALTH, LIFESTYLEHealthy Diet Tips to Reverse Diabetes
Overview Consuming a healthy and well-balanced diet can be helpful in preventing, managing and treating several conditions, such as heart disease and cancer. Recent studies indicate that when combined with
Ella James HEALTH6 Life-Saving Numbers You Need to Know
Your overall health boils down to numbers on a chart. What do those numbers mean? Learn all about these 66 life-saving wellness numbers.
Chris Freytag LIFESTYLE