Tag "beginner yoga"

How to Stop Competing in Your Yoga Practice

Yoga is about working on the inside and being where we are, at that moment.

5 Reasons to Take Some Rest In Child’s Pose

Childs pose is a great resting pose to center yourself during your practice. Click here to learn all the benefits!

The Synchronization of Breath & Movement: Cat/Cow

Cat/Cow It is very common to begin a yoga practice,  after the initial establishment of breath, by moving through cat and cow pose. With a nice stable base in table

Supermoon Salutations

Yoga Digest gets creative with a supermoon sequence of supermoon salutations. Click here to celebrate the supermoon – yoga style!

4 Ways Yoga and Meditation Can Help Athletes with Injury and Pain

  Athletes get hurt from time to time -that’s just one of the risks of any sport. Injuries can sideline anyone from a promising young prospect to a seasoned pro,

10-Minute Heart-Opening Yoga Practice for Better Posture & Peace of Mind

You’re only as young as your spine is flexible! This practice is great for improving posture and physical tension in the shoulders and chest but is just as beneficial for

6 Benefits of Downward Facing Dog

Doward facing dog is the signature pose of yoga for good reason. The benefits are unbeatable! Click here to learn how to do it properly.

Practice At Home With Seane Corn, From Yoga At Home: Inspiration For Creating Your Own Home Practice

A dedicated home practice is an integral component of the study of yoga. It allows yogis of all levels to roll out their mats at any time…

Yoga Might Be The Best Valentine’s Gift You Can Give

can open the heart both spiritually and physically. From poses like back bends to forward folds, yoga can open one up to both give and receive love. explains how certain

Humility in Practice

In the end, it is humility that leads to inner peace and happiness, not pride, and it is also one of the many qualities that an asana practice can help us to cultivate…