
Ayurveda, which is sometimes referred to as the science of life or the sister science to  yoga,  can improve your life.  It has made my life better in so many

Deep breathing exercises (pranayama) are one of the most simple and valuable tools we have available to us.   You can practice it anywhere and even a couple minutes can

Transitions, whether it be from season to season or just lazy summer days to the craziness of school, can bring challenges.

We tend to feel scattered, ungrounded, and just ‘off.’ Our daily routine, and to a deeper extent, our goals, can be clouded by the anxiety that accompanies transitions and we can easily lose track of what’s important to us. Here are 4 tips for a Fall Reboot –


“My occupation is my vocation. When I practice Yin Yoga, €¨I become myself completely and experience a deep feeling of peace within. ” I didn’t know I would love yoga

Yoga can bring a steadiness and strength in the body as well as contentment of the mind. The practice encompasses all levels of psychology, physiology and consciousness thereby putting us

Mindfulness comes in many forms and in our mom’s case, unexpected ways. After our father fell ill to a rare and un-curable blood disease four years back, she transitioned in